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Video: GOP Leaders Tout Budget Cuts; Perry Demurs on 2012 Run

Gov. Rick Perry, House Speaker Joe Straus and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst on Tuesday touted the accomplishments of the regular session: cutting the state budget without raising taxes or tapping the Rainy Day Fund.

Gov. Rick Perry, House Speaker Joe Straus and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst joined forces Tuesday to reflect on the regular legislative session that ended on Monday. "If all we do is hold the line on taxes and balance the budget with cuts, that's a pretty amazing accomplishment," Perry said, before addressing questions about the special session and deflecting a question about whether he thinks he can beat President Barack Obama. Watch our raw video from the 13-minute press conference. 

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State government 82nd Legislative Session Barack Obama David Dewhurst Griffin Perry Joe Straus Rick Perry Special sessions Texas Legislature