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The Bookshelf: June 29, 2016

In this week's Bookshelf, our content partner Kirkus Reviews highlights The Future of Clean Energy.

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THE FUTURE OF CLEAN ENERGY: Who Wins and Who Loses as the World Goes Green

by Gary Schwendiman

In this science and policy volume, Schwendiman uses the Super Bowl as the organizing metaphor for a discussion of the competing visions of the future of energy in the United States. Technologies belong to either the Fuel Conference (gasoline, ethanol) or the Electricity Conference (nuclear, solar) and face off against each other as the author evaluates their potential as primary power sources in the 21st century and beyond. The book comes down firmly in favor of both nuclear power and ethanol production and does not hesitate to make sweeping pronouncements: “Nuclear energy is the solution to all electricity problems in the world.” The supporting arguments are largely persuasive, although many of the book’s citations point to news articles and industry publications as opposed to independent research.

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