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Inside Texas Politics: A New Lieutenant Governor

This week's edition of WFAA-TV's Inside Texas Politics with host Jason Whitely, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram's Bud Kennedy and Tribune Executive Editor Ross Ramsey leads off with an interview with Lt. Gov.-elect Dan Patrick.

On this week's edition of WFAA-TV's Inside Texas Politics with host Jason Whitely, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram's Bud Kennedy and Tribune Executive Editor Ross Ramsey, talk turns to the 84th Texas Legislature. This Tuesday, Gov.-elect Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov.-elect Dan Patrick will be sworn into office. Jason leads off today's show with an interview with Patrick, who talks about his plans for lower property taxes, his views on local vs. state control, a change in the two-thirds rule in the Senate, a possible emphasis on end-of-life legislation and more.

Also: Ross' answer to the question of whether Perry's farewell speech to the joint chambers of the Legislature was a victory lap or a pivot to running for president; a commenter recalls an open carry debate — between then-California Gov. Ronald Reagan and the Black Panthers; more on the Senate two-thirds rule from Lone Star Project Director Matt Angle; President Obama's decision not to join other world leaders for their march in Paris is debated from the left and right; and on the Reporters Roundtable, Jason, Bud and Ross talk about what Joe Straus' re-election as House speaker might mean for both his supporters and opponents; the recent belligerence of some open carry advocates; Dan Patrick's citizen advisory board; and, finally, business leaders' defense of the Dream Act and the likelihood of its repeal this session. 

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Politics State government 2016 elections 84th Legislative Session Dream Act Governor's Office Greg Abbott Joe Straus Rick Perry Texas House of Representatives Texas Legislature Texas Senate