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New Texas Lawmakers — Along With the Dearly and Nearly Departed

The list of who's in and who's out in the Texas Legislature and in the state's congressional delegation is not quite complete, but it's getting there. Here's the current list.

The chamber of the Texas House

The state’s 2014 general election might be over, but there are still seats to fill in the Texas Legislature. Special elections and open seats mean that all of the Legislature's spots won't be taken until next year.

One of the remaining blanks was filled last weekend when state Rep. Lois Kolkhorst won a special election for an open Texas Senate seat.

So far, it’s clear that at least 29 House members, nine state senators and three members of Congress who were sworn in after the 2012 elections will not be around for the oath-taking next month. And most of them have been replaced, as you can see in the following chart.

Where there is still an election ahead, or the possibility that a member will not be around for the entire 140-day legislative session, we’ve offered an explanation of what might happen. For now, here is the current list of who's leaving and who's coming in. 


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State government Texas congressional delegation Texas House of Representatives Texas Legislature Texas Senate