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TribWeek: In Case You Missed It

The best of our best content from July 28 to Aug. 1, 2014.

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The candidates for Texas governor have been raising millions for their campaigns since last summer. The Tribune identified their top donors, famous givers and other noteworthy contributions.

After the U.S. House called off a vote on a $659 million supplemental bill for border security operations Thursday, Gov. Rick Perry said Congress is "abandoning its post."

The Texas Department of Transportation plans to partner with universities to research futuristic technologies like self-driving cars, hover cars and embedding solar panels in roads.

Nearly 48 years after Charles Whitman's notorious shooting rampage on the University of Texas at Austin campus, his youngest victim — a baby still in utero — finally received a headstone this year.

Landowners and pipeline companies are closely scrutinizing proposed rules aimed at clearing up confusion over a status that gives pipeline companies the right to claim private property using eminent domain.

Rep. Scott Turner, R-Frisco, has not been in the Texas House for two years, but the freshman lawmaker and former California congressional candidate has his eye on the top job there: speaker.

Drought-stricken Wichita Falls is trying a bold experiment to address one of Texas' most vexing water problems. It consists of four guys, a motorboat and thousands of pounds of a white powder that suppresses evaporation.

Texas women who receive state-financed health services may be able to more easily access contraceptive products like intrauterine devices and hormonal implants beginning Friday, when rule changes to the state’s Medicaid program and the Texas Women’s Health Program go into effect.

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