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Patrick Camp Touts Dewhurst "Walloping" In Media Call

The Dan Patrick campaign celebrated a margin of victory over incumbent David Dewhurst that they said their own pollsters did not even predict in a media phone call Friday.

State Sen. Dan Patrick and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst are in a runoff in the GOP lieutenant governor's race.

The Dan Patrick campaign celebrated in a media phone call Friday a margin of victory over incumbent David Dewhurst that they said even their own pollsters could not predict.

Calling Dewhurst's position as the two candidates headed into a runoff "hopeless,"  Patrick campaign consultant Allen Blakemore highlighted the state senator's victories in nine out of the state's top 10 Republican counties.

"Dan Patrick beat a 12-year incumbent in a walloping way," he said.

The two candidates emerged as the top-two finishers in the four-way March 4 GOP primary. Patrick finished with 42 percent of the vote; Dewhurst with 28 percent.

"David Dewhurst is clearly better liked by the cattle and farm animals of this state, we are better liked by the people," Blakemore said, discounting the incumbent's superior performance in rural areas. Future debates between the two runoff candidates are still being discussed, he said.

During the call, Blakemore also announced April 15 as the likely date for a debate over immigration policy with San Antonio mayor Julián Castro.

After the call, Dewhurst spokesman Travis Considine issued a statement saying the campaign looked forward to contrasting Dewhurst's record with Patrick's. 

“When all is said and done, voters will have a firm understanding that Texans can trust Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst to continue his record of success while in office,” said Considine.

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