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Staples, Patrick Release Early Fundraising Totals

Republican lieutenant governor candidates Todd Staples and Dan Patrick are each expected to report roughly $3.1 million in cash on hand on their latest campaign finance reports, with Staples leading by about $300,000 in contributions.

Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples and Texas state Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, two of the Republican candidates running for Lt. Governor.

Dan Patrick and Todd Staples, two of the three Republicans competing to unseat incumbent Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, released early campaign finance numbers Monday, with each saying he will report around $3.1 million in available funds.

Despite similar totals from both candidates in the last fundraising cycle, which spanned from July to December, Staples is expected to report raising more money. 

According to figures from his campaign, Staples' report will show more than $2 million in contributions with "no loans, no debt, and no unpaid bills." Patrick's will show close to $1.7 million in contributions, according to a statement released by his campaign, which noted that Patrick was "poised to raise another $1 million by March."

Like Jerry Patterson, the fourth candidate in the race, Dewhurst has yet to release information about his own fundraising totals. All candidates must file their finance reports by Wednesday.

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