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Carona Gets a Nod From the Right

State Sen. John Carona, R-Dallas, up for re-election in 2014, grabbed an endorsement from Carol Everett, founder of The Heidi Group, an anti-abortion organization.

Sen. John Carona, R-Dallas, makes a point during his appearance at TribLive on May 24, 2012.

In the political birds-of-a-feather department, state Sen. John Carona, R-Dallas, grabbed an endorsement from Carol Everett, founder of The Heidi Group, an anti-abortion organization. 

Carona, a senator since 1990 and a legislator since 1996, is being challenged in next year's primaries by fellow Republican Donald Huffines of Dallas. 

Huffines is trying to label the incumbent as insufficiently conservative; Carona is hoping that endorsements from conservatives like Everett blunt those attacks. 

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