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TribWeek: In Case You Missed It

Root considers Rick Perry’s next move, Rocha and Dehn take a fast look back at the regular session, KUT’s Philpott on the return of redistricting, Murphy’s interactive look at 40 years of special sessions, Aaronson on calls for conservative issues in the special session, M. Smith on the education bills in front of the governor, Ramshaw on the fate of transparency legislation, E. Smith’s TribLive review of the Senate’s session, Hamilton finds the work of UT regents undisturbed by the session, Galbraith on new obstacles for water planning, Batheja reports on a revived search for highway money, and Aguilar on increasing numbers of naturalized citizens: The best of our best for the week of May 27-31, 2013.

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Robert Black, a former aide to Gov. Rick Perry, has some advice for people who think they can predict the governor's next political move: "For those out there trying to read the tea leaves, don’t. Because you’re probably going to be wrong.”

Monday marked the end of the 83rd Legislature's regular session, and the start of a special session on redistricting. Despite the quick turnaround, lawmakers had a chance to reflect on what they accomplished in the last 140 days.

The special session on redistricting is under way, but unlike previous redistricting efforts in Texas, most of the action this time may not take place at the Capitol.

The current special session is the 10th in Gov. Rick Perry's gubernatorial tenure. Take a look at our visualization to see all the special sessions called since 1971, the subjects lawmakers tackled and how Perry compares to previous governors.

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst is urging Gov. Rick Perry to include a variety of conservative issues, such as the "fetal pain" and campus-carry measures, in the special session that Perry announced Monday.

Two major education bills — Senate Bill 2, which expands the state's charter school system, and House Bill 5, which changes high school testing and graduation requirements — are headed to the governor's desk.

Lawmakers talked a big game about improving transparency this session, but when push came to shove, they did next to nothing to advance it.

Here's the full video of our May 30 TribLive conversation debriefing the 83rd Legislature with state Sens. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, and Kirk Watson, D-Austin, wherein they talk about public education, the budget and the 2014 elections.

Lawmakers have expressed concerns about the investigative approach of the University of Texas System Board of Regents. But based on a request made this week, at least one regent appears undeterred.

Just as Gov. Rick Perry and lawmakers finalize plans to spend $2 billion on water-supply projects around the state, a court decision could force Texas to rethink its water-planning process.

A plan to fund Texas highway construction by diverting half of the money that currently feeds the state's Rainy Day Fund could find new life in a special session.

The number of naturalized citizens in Texas is on the rise, as is the purchasing power and economic output of the state's native-born and immigrant Hispanic and Asian populations, according to an Immigration Policy Center report.

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