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T-Squared: One Site Fits All

Starting today, the Tribune is a "responsive" website, meaning it automatically resizes to whatever device you're on — and looks damn good doing it.

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For the last several months around Trib HQ, you couldn't attend a meeting or have a hallway conversation without hearing the word "responsive." It started with our tech team, but the one-word refrain soon infected other departments. In time, it became a mantra as we worked together to recast the Tribune site into what's called a responsive website. Today we unveil the results of our efforts.

What is responsive, and why should you care? To the web geeks among us — and our office has more than its share – responsive is the leading edge of web design technology.  To the rest of us who don't care how the sausage is made and just want to enjoy the Tribune's content, responsive means something much simpler — it means that no matter what (modern) device you're on, our site will work damn well on it. Responsive design allows the Trib to adjust to fit any hardware. Phone, tablet, desktop? Android, iPhone, iPad, Kindle, BlackBerry? It doesn't matter. The new responsive Trib site automatically resizes and looks great.

Starting today the Trib's front page, story pages, new section pages and elected officials directory are all responsive. Take a look at them on different devices to see how they change to fit your screen. Over the coming weeks, we'll convert more areas of the site to responsive. Soon, all things Trib — interactive maps, TribLive RSVP forms, even donation forms — will automatically accommodate your device as well.

Mobile users, in particular, should see dramatic gains in site presentation and performance. No more squinting or readjusting screen sizes to read a story on your phone. If you're a tablet user, you too will see a marked improvement, no matter how you hold it. (Yes, landscaping. Finally!) Phone and tablet users accounted for 25 percent of our site traffic last year, and expect that number to grow this year, so we want to ensure our readers have the best possible experience when looking at the Trib on any type of portable device.

A few of our peers around the world — Time, The Guardian, SB Nation and NPR's Planet Money, for example — also recently relaunched their main and/or mobile sites as responsive. We're thrilled to join this elite group of trendsetters. 

As always, we welcome your ideas and feedback. Let us know what you think.

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