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On the Records: Shami vs. Himself

Farouk Shami donated $4,800 to Bill White's senate campaign. Now the money could be used against him in the govenor's race.

Farouk Shami donated $4,800 to Bill White's senate campaign. Now the Houston mayor can use the money against him.

It appears that Farouk Shami, the wealthy hair-care executive running as a Democrat for governor, may have funded his own competition.

Shami is among at least 240 people who've given U.S. Senate candidate Bill White $4,800 -- the maximum allowed under federal rules for a combined primary and general election.

Now, of course, White is considering whether to get into the governor's race. If so, he can spend the $4 million senate warchest, which includes Shami's cash, in that effort.

MORE: Download a list of White's $4,800 donors (through September 30). Additional records are available in our federal campaign-finance database.

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