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Coronavirus: The pandemic through Texans' eyes

"There's no sense in risking it": As Texas eases restrictions, a family keeps its social distance

The governor is allowing more businesses to reopen, and Texans are weighing the risks of returning to normalcy. In this weekly series, Texans from across the state share stories about how they're navigating life during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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The state is starting to reopen. They’re staying in their house for now.

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"Mom, we're too close": Distancing becomes normal for the Shah kids

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The restaurant can reopen. But the staff isn't ready to risk it.

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In rural county, some businesses are reopening while others wait

Matagorda County Judge Nathan McDonald holds a bottle of isopropyl alcohol antiseptic. The bottle was among the 100 gallons donated by Lyondell Basell.
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At "family hospital," retiring administrator relishes her last, chaotic weeks

Donna Boatright, right, joins her cousin Kaleb Hoover, left, with four other pairs of family members who work at the Rolling Plains Memorial Hospital.
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Her sister's graduation ceremony is canceled. So they'll do it at home.

From left: Sisters Samantha and Liz Salas.
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Tale of two cities: El Paso eases restrictions, Juárez remains locked down

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