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Postponed: Join The Texas Tribune for a symposium on Hurricane Harvey recovery

Join The Texas Tribune for a symposium on Hurricane Harvey, where lawmakers, reporters and thought-leaders will discuss the deadly storm that struck Texas, and the road to recovery.

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Note: This event has been postponed due to severe winter weather expected in the Corpus Christi area. We hope to re-schedule after the holidays — stay tuned for details.

In the three months since Hurricane Harvey devastated the Gulf Coast and one of the country’s biggest cities, how far has Texas come? What preparations should have been made in advance of the storm — and are they being made now? And when can Texans still suffering from storm damage expect to see relief money from the federal government?

Join The Texas Tribune for a symposium on Hurricane Harvey, where lawmakers, reporters and thought-leaders will discuss the deadly storm that struck Texas, and the road to recovery.

Here's what we're reading in advance of the event:

A mechanic planned “to leave when the birds leave.” A screenwriter stayed in Rockport — and quickly regretted it. A physical therapy technician knew “we were on our own.” Learn what the storm was like for 28 Texans who helped their state through it, via Texas Monthly.

Nearly 100 people died in the storm. Meet some of them in The New York Times and the Houston Chronicle.

Three months after the storm, Yashica Foster and her family are displaced and separated. They’re just some of the tens of thousands of Harvey victims who still lack permanent housing, per The Texas Tribune.

Crying children, flooded hallways and mounting debris: explore Harvey in Pictures from The New York Times.

And it’s still not clear how much aid money Texas will get. Gov. Greg Abbott called the federal government’s $44 billion proposal “completely inadequate,” but state officials were told to “step up,” as The Associated Press reports.

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