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The Brief: Texas colleges face a perfect storm of budget cuts

State budget cuts to higher education aren't the only problem worrying universities. Schools are also staring down efforts to freeze tuition and slash federal funding for higher education.

Tuition costs are rising in Texas as per-student state funding for higher education shrinks.

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Tribune today

Will Texas universities face perfect storm of cuts?
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What you need to know

State budget cuts to higher education aren't the only problem worrying universities. Schools are also staring down efforts to freeze tuition and slash federal funding for higher education. 

  • Tuition, state funding and federal cash make up a combined 75 percent of Texas public university revenue. "All alumni and business leaders in our state should be up in arms and outraged about these proposals being considered," said Will O'Hara, co-interim director of the Texas Exes alumni group at UT-Austin. 
  • Average tuition has climbed 147 percent in Texas over the past 15 yearsAt a hearing on tuition freezes last week, university leaders repeatedly asked for flexibility in setting prices.
  • Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has said halting tuition growth is one of his top 20 priorities for 2017. Patrick has expressed support for Senate Bill 19, which would impose a four-year freeze on tuition increases.

What we're reading

(Links below lead to outside websites; paywall content noted with $) 

AP Exclusive: Price tag of North Carolina's LGBT law: $3.76BThe Associated Press

Gonzalez asks Trump to expedite repatriation of deported veterans, The Monitor

Local Meals on Wheels volunteers worried about proposed cuts, Denton Record-Chronicle

ICE detains 26 offenders reporting for community service in Fort Worth, Fort Worth Star-Telegram ($)

Federal threat to pull funds will have little, if any, effect on Travis County, local officials say, Austin American-Statesman ($)

Attorney General Jeff Sessions repeats Trump threat that "sanctuary cities" could lose Justice Department grantsThe Washington Post ($)

Eminent domain for Trump's border wall is fine, says Texas attorney general Ken PaxtonThe Dallas Morning News ($)

For your calendar

Join us today at KLRU's Studio 6A for a special screening of Beyond the Wall, The Texas Tribune's short documentary that explores the state's immigration issues through the eyes of undocumented immigrants, border patrol agents and a borderland rancher.

Next Tuesday, April 4, The Texas Tribune will talk about legislative issues with experienced community organizers at the W Austin Records Room. The event is part of the Tribune's On the Record series, geared towards helping Texans be better, smarter citizens. 

Photo of the day

Claudia Macias, whose mother is an immigrant, challenges U.S. Rep. John Culberson, R-Houston, about President Trump’s immigration ban during a town hall Culberson held in Houston on Saturday. Photo by Michael Stravato. See more photos on our Instagram account

Quote to note

"Too often, Texans are subjected to “deny, delay and underpay” tactics as insurers test and break the will of property owners. Only strong laws pry policy benefits back from the insurance industry, serving as the last line of defense for Texas property owners."

— Ware Wendell, executive director of Texas Watch, about the the insurance industry's "blue tarp bills" via TribTalk

The Brief is written and compiled by your morning news baristas, Bobby Blanchard and Sanya Mansoor. If you have feedback or questions, please email We're a nonprofit newsroom, and count on readers like you to help power newsletters like this. Did you like what you read today? Show your appreciation by becoming a member or making a donation today.

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