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Castro brothers to stump in Texas as presidential race tightens

The Castro brothers will campaign across the Lone Star State as polls show a much closer-than-usual presidential race here.

U.S. Congressman Joaquin Castro (l) points at his brother Julián Castro at a 2013 press conference.

Editor's note: This story has been updated with additional comment.

Two of the most popular Democrats in Texas are planning to campaign across the traditionally Republican state as polls show a closer-than-usual presidential race here in November.

U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-San Antonio, and his twin brother, U.S. Housing Secretary Julían Castro, will make five stops across the state Saturday to get out the vote, according to the Texas Democratic Party. The Castros will visit San Antonio, San Marcos, Austin and Dallas, with the possibility for events at a later date in the Rio Grande Valley. 

"Simply put, democracy is not a spectator sport — we all have to participate and work hard to get the government our families deserve," Joaquin Castro said in a statement. "That’s why Julián and I are hitting the campaign trail, talking to families, and firing up Texas Democrats. We all know what is at stake this election, and Texas families simply can't afford Trump or his Republican Party apologists in office."

Also hitting the road this week in Texas is Garry Mauro, who chairs Clinton's efforts in the state. The former land commissioner is making a two-day swing through the state, starting Wednesday afternoon in Dallas and going on to Abilene, San Angelo and the Midland-Odessa area. 

The flurry of in-state travel comes as polls continue to show Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton trailing her Republican rival, Donald Trump, by low single digits in Texas. The last two GOP nominees carried the state by double digits.

Speaking with The Texas Tribune in Dallas, Mauro said the state's growing minority population has long portended an electorate shift toward his party. "At the very least, you've got to say Trump has accelerated that demographic tilt toward Democrats,” Mauro said.

Mauro doesn’t see Trump garnering more than 45 percent of the vote in Texas. He believes the state’s diversity limits the voting strength of the Republican nominee's most loyal base: non-college-educated white men. "He's fishing in a real small pond," Mauro said.

While much attention in Texas has centered on the presidential contest, the Castro brothers' events are also geared toward helping down-ballot candidates. Pete Gallego, who is in a rematch with U.S. Rep. Will Hurd, is set to join the Castros for their stop in San Antonio. 

Brandon Formby and Alexa Ura contributed this report.

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