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The Bookshelf: July 27, 2016

In this week's Bookshelf, our content partner Kirkus Reviews highlights The Tide.

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Trib+Water is joining with respected books authority Kirkus Reviews to bring you select reviews of books of note in the field of water studies. For more book reviews and recommendations, visit

THE TIDE: The Science and Stories Behind the Greatest Force on Earth

by Hugh Aldersey-Williams

The words “time” and “tide” are connected through language as well as in nature, writes British science writer Aldersey-Williams ... who delves into the scientific and cultural influence of the tides. Noting the linguistic link between “tide” and “zeit,” the German word for time, as well as other linguistic references, the author makes insightful connections among science, language, culture, and tradition. The author also examines how metaphors coupling “time” and “tide” are preserved in memorable sayings. “The aphorism time and tide wait for no man,” has incorrectly been attributed to both Shakespeare and Chaucer but predates both of them. The tide exerts a strong force through the action of waves and the corresponding rise and fall of the water level.

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