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Who Said It: Donald Trump or Mark Cuban?

While he says he’s open to being a running mate for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban often sounds more like Trump. See if you can tell the bombastic billionaires apart in our quotation quiz.

Editor’s note: The Texas Tribune is no longer using the service Typeform, which powered this quiz. 

Could Mark Cuban be Texas’ answer to Donald Trump? The Dallas Mavericks’ owner and Shark Tank star said on Meet the Press Sunday that he would be open to serving as a running mate for either Trump or Democrat Hillary Clinton. Some Republicans have even approached Cuban about running for president as a third-party alternative to Trump.

But big bucks and reality TV shows aren't the only things Trump and Cuban have in common. Both have a reputation for business acumen and brash rhetoric — occasionally directed at each other. Take our quiz and see if you can tell which politically ambitious entrepreneur made the following statements.

After you complete the quiz, find the citations here.

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