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Willis Tops Burton's Campaign Cash in State Senate Bid

Since July, Democratic state Senate candidate Libby Willis has raked in more than twice the campaign cash her Republican opponent Konni Burton has in the race to fill the Fort Worth seat left open by Wendy Davis.

Republican Konni Burton (l) defeated Democrat Libby Willis for the SD-10 Senate seat vacated by Wendy Davis.

Since July, Democratic state Senate candidate Libby Willis has raked in more than twice the campaign cash her Republican opponent Konni Burton has in the race to fill the Fort Worth seat left open by gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis.

Willis, a former teacher and past president of the Fort Worth League of Neighborhood Associations, raised just under $735,000 in the three-month period since her last campaign finance filing in July. Of that sum, $500,000 came from Back to Basics, the political action committee funded by Houston trial lawyer and Democratic donor Steve Mostyn. Another $25,000 came from the American Federation of State and Community Municipal Employees, a labor union. Annie's List, a group that supports female Democratic candidates for office, gave Willis $20,000. 

Burton raised about $335,000 during that same period. The grassroots activist who has earned the endorsement of U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz received the most financial backing from Texans For Lawsuit Reform, which contributed $50,000 and paid for another several thousand dollars in campaign-related expenses. Other significant donations included $10,000 from Wal-Mart heiress Alice Walton and $20,000 from the conservative advocacy group Empower Texans. 

Willis also has more cash on hand heading into the November election than her opponent, with about $474,000 to Burton's $200,000.

Disclosure: Steve Mostyn has been a major donor to The Texas Tribune. A complete list of Texas Tribune donors and sponsors can be viewed here.

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