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The Brief: Aug. 19, 2014

The day began with video cameras lined up to take pictures of Gov. Rick Perry being arraigned. That'll now have to wait until Friday.

Governor Rick Perry's legal team includes, l to r, David Botsford, Tony Buzbee, Ben Ginsberg and Bobby Birchfield.  Not pictured is former Chief Justice Tom Phillips.

The Big Conversation

Monday started with news cameras stationed strategically around downtown Austin all in anticipation of capturing video of Gov. Rick Perry being booked on the two felony indictments handed down late Friday afternoon alleging abuse of power in his veto of funds for Travis County's public integrity unit.

Those images will have to wait for a few days, though, with word late in the day that Perry was issued a summons to appear this Friday. The Tribune's Terri Langford wrote that "a personal recognizance bond of $25,000 has been set for Perry. Now that the bond has been set, it clears the way for Perry’s 'walk-through,' or booking. ... It is not clear when the governor will go to the Blackwell-Thurman Criminal Justice Center in Austin to be fingerprinted and have his mugshot taken."

The other big development in the Perry indictment story was the roll-out of Perry's legal team high on star power. The Tribune's Jay Root wrote the group was led by Houston trial lawyer and Texas A&M Regent Tony Buzbee, who is joined by Ben Ginsberg of the Bush-Gore recount fight and former Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Tom Phillips. One question left unanswered, according to Root, was how this high-priced squad of legal help would be paid for.

The Dallas Morning News' Christy Hoppe and Wayne Slater added that the Perry's legal team planned to make the conduct of Travis County DA Rosemary Lehmberg a prime focus, with Buzbee on Monday criticizing "banana republic politics" as motivation for the indictments.

The Tribune also now has an easily navigable timeline of events to help you keep track of what happened in the long run-up to the grand jury's action on Friday.

Trib Must-Reads

Analysis: Perry's Two-Track Defense, by Ross Ramsey

Livestrong Gives $50 Million to UT-Austin Med School, by Reeve Hamilton

Formidable Lawyer at Center of Perry Prosecution, by Terri Langford


Editorial: Is Gov. Rick Perry’s Bad Judgment Really a Crime?, The New York Times

Right rallies around Perry after indictment, The Hill

Castro officially sworn in as HUD secretary, Houston Chronicle

UT regents expected to tap endowment to keep tuition flat, Austin American-Statesman

Militias complicate situation on Texas border, The Associated Press

In South Texas, Few On The Fence Over Divisive Border Wall Issue, NPR

Some county law officers lack bulletproof vests, Houston Chronicle

Quote to Note

"I have complete faith and confidence in Governor Perry's honesty and integrity. And I'm sure that will be confirmed over time."

— New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, the latest of Rick Perry's once and future GOP political foes to lend support in the wake of Perry being indicted for alleged abuse of power

Today in TribTalk

Why the indictment matters, by Glenn W. Smith

Trib Events for the Calendar

•    The full program has been announced for the 2014 Texas Tribune Festival, which runs from Sept. 19-21 at the University of Texas at Austin. Featuring 10 tracks, 44 sessions and over 200 speakers, this weekend is not to be missed!

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