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T-Squared: For Two Weeks Only, Texas Weekly is Free

The holidays may be behind us, but we’re offering you one last gift: two free weeks of Texas Weekly, our subscriber-only state politics newsletter.

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The holidays may be behind us, but we’re offering you one last gift: two free weeks of Texas Weekly, our subscriber-only state politics newsletter.

Starting today, in addition to our up-to-the-minute headlines on Twitteryou can get access to the complete updates and comprehensive information that Capitol insiders crave, from campaign ads, fundraising totals and key endorsements to deep-dive analysis on the maneuverings of Texas candidates and elected officials, courtesy of veterans John Reynolds (TW's editor), Ross Ramsey and the rest of our reporting team. Whether you’re a rabid or aspiring political junkie, Texas Weekly and its breaking news blog, TW Politics, are for you.

Enjoy the freebie, but the paywall goes back up on Feb. 1. Of course, you don't have to wait the whole two weeks — you can subscribe now!

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