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The Brief: Dec. 19, 2013

In a wide ranging interview with The Texas Tribune's Jay Root, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz refused to say whom he favored in the primary contest between John Cornyn and Steve Stockman, said he's working on renouncing his Canadian citizenship and had little to say about a potential run for the White House in 2016.

Senator Ted Cruz R-Texas speaks to press during a visit to Killeen Texas on December 3rd, 2013.

The Big Conversation

In a wide ranging interview with The Texas Tribune's Jay Root, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz refused to say whom he favored in the primary contest between John Cornyn and Steve Stockman, said he's working on renouncing his Canadian citizenship and had little to say about a potential run for the White House in 2016.

Overall, Root summed up Cruz as unapologetic at the end of his first year in office. "When it comes to the government shutdown, for example, Cruz said the fight helped crystallize the failures of the Affordable Care Act, while strengthening his resolve to repeal it," Root wrote. “'The proof is in the pudding,' he said. 'As a consequence of that fight, we elevated the national debate over the harms Obamacare is causing, and today President Obama has the lowest approval rating he has ever had, and the American public has turned strongly against Obamacare. The reason is simple. This thing isn’t working.'”

Root observed that Cruz "was perhaps the least talkative" when asked about the Senate primary contest between Cornyn and Stockman. Beyond saying that he liked both men, Cruz demurred when pressed to pick a favored candidate. “I’ve never liked it when Washington insiders try to pick winners and losers in Republican primaries,” Cruz told Root. “I think primaries should be decided by the grassroots in each state … I’m going to leave it to the voters of Texas to make that decision.”

On the lingering issue of his Canadian citizenship, Cruz said he's working on it. He has hired counsel and expects to have the matter resolved next year but is not sure exactly when. And on the 2016 question, Cruz would only say “100 percent of my focus is on the U.S. Senate,” adding that he respects the job done by Gov. Rick Perry, a potential rival on the road to the White House, in Texas.


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Quote to Note: “Securing the border has become an excuse for outright abandonment of constitutional principles that protect our privacy and dignity. The hand of the government should never have unfettered power to invade our most intimate bodily spaces.” — ACLU of Texas staff attorney Adriana Piñon, on a suit filed in connection with a Dec. 12 search of a woman at a border stop in El Paso where it's alleged she was subjected to vaginal probes and a CT scan


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