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The Brief: Aug. 26, 2013

A fiery debate on Saturday laid bare the enduring fight over the CSCOPE curriculum system.

State Board of Education member Thomas Ratliff and state Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, debate CSCOPE at the University of Texas at Tyler on Aug. 24, 2013

The Big Conversation

A fiery debate on Saturday laid bare the enduring fight over the CSCOPE curriculum system.

In front of a lively crowd at the University of Texas at Tyler, state Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, and State Board of Education member Thomas Ratliff, R-Mount Pleasant, squared off over CSCOPE, a widely used school lesson plan system that has come under fire from conservative grassroots activists and has sparked a months-long fight over its elimination. 

Patrick, the chairman of the Senate Education Committee and a leader of the push to eliminate the system, reiterated activists' concerns that the lessons contain liberal and anti-American biases. But as the Tribune's Morgan Smith reports, Patrick focused his criticism on the lack of transparency at the state education centers that produce the lessons.

"The thing that we are missing here is that there seems to be this fight and sometimes attack against parents who have a right to ask a question," he said. "I don't understand this 'drink the Kool-Aid' CSCOPE mentality that we don't care if there is anything wrong with CSCOPE — we just want our CSCOPE."

Ratliff, who agreed to the debate after Patrick issued a challenge to defenders of the lessons, voiced the concerns of many small, mostly rural schools that rely on CSCOPE.

"Local districts ought to be able to make that decision for themselves, not have you make it for them," Ratliff told Patrick.

Though Patrick denied that the debate was staged for political purposes, Ratliff suggested that Patrick was using the issue to one-up Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, whom he's trying to unseat.

"What this has become is a tug-of-war between two guys who want to be lieutenant governor, and they are using public schools as the rope," Ratliff said. "And I'm tired of them being the rope."

Read the full recap of the debate here.


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Quote to Note: "It is likely that I am going to stay out of incumbent primaries across the country, either supporting incumbents or opposing incumbents." — U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, asked on Friday whether he would endorse fellow Texas Sen. John Cornyn for re-election in 2014


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