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Video: Cornyn Says Election Shows Voters Trust Neither Party

Sen. John Cornyn, the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said Friday that some candidates in Tuesday night's election "made serious mistakes," and that Republicans could have run stronger candidates in some races.

Following a Veteran's Day celebration at an elementary school in East Austin on Friday, Sen. John Cornyn reflected on Tuesday's election, saying Republicans could have run stronger candidates in some U.S. Senate races. But the National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman gave President Obama credit for running a strong campaign that got his party's supporters to the polls.

Cornyn, the soon-to-be senior senator from Texas — Ted Cruz is replacing retiring U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison — spoke about what lies ahead for him if he becomes Minority Whip, and the potential gridlock in Obama's second term. He also gave his thoughts on Cruz's Tuesday night victory, and whether Congress will be able to avoid the "fiscal cliff."

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