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Romney Campaign Touts Cruz's Support as It Rolls Out New Ad

In the rollout of a new campaign video Monday focused on Texas, Mitt Romney's presidential campaign highlighted support from the state's rising political star, GOP U.S. Senate nominee Ted Cruz.

Mitt Romney's presidential campaign touted support from Republican U.S. Senate nominee Ted Cruz on Monday in its promotion of a new campaign ad focused on Texas.

The new web video, called "These Hands: Texas," accuses President Obama of not valuing the work of small-business owners and profiles Gilbert Cantu, who owns a San Antonio mobile locksmith service. The campaign also released a Spanish version of the ad.

The Romney campaign included a quote from Cruz in the news release for the video. 

“From El Paso to Texarkana, entrepreneurs and small-business owners across Texas know that they built their success with their own two hands,” Cruz said. “They also know the damage that bad policy from Washington can do to the economy. From new regulations to higher taxes to Obamacare, the president has placed one obstacle after another in front of Texas job creators. Mitt Romney knows how to turn this economy around, and his plan for a stronger middle class is exactly what we need. Texans — like all Americans — can’t afford four more years of Barack Obama.”

Cruz's profile has risen significantly since he defeated Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst in last week's Republican primary runoff. On Sunday, he was a guest on Fox News Sunday

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