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The Evening Brief: July 11, 2012

Your evening reading: Dewhurst immigration speeches removed from state website; Romney booed at NAACP convention in Houston; Cornyn calls Holder's voter ID comments "bizarre"

David Dewhurst 2003

New in The Texas Tribune:

  • Calls Preceded Removal of Dewhurst Speeches From Site: "The office of Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst recently removed all of his speeches from his state website — including a controversial address in which he expresses support for giving work visas to illegal immigrants, an aide to Dewhurst said Wednesday. … The speeches from Dewhurst's state website were pulled down after reporters began calling about his controversial 2007 remarks on border and immigration issues, an aide said."
  • UT System Regents Table Plan to Expand KUT: "The University of Texas System Board of Regents on Wednesday delayed a decision on a proposal that would allow for the expansion of KUT, a public radio station housed in the University of Texas at Austin’s College of Communication."
  • Jeremy Everett: The TT Interview: The director of the Texas Hunger Initiative at Baylor University on hunger in Texas, why partisan approaches to alleviating hunger are flawed and how improving current programs can stimulate local economies.


  • Mitt at NAACP in Houston: Booed on health care (Politico): "Mitt Romney drew boos, shouts and jeers from attendees speaking here to the NAACP convention, who balked at his claim that he — not the country’s first black president — could best represent black America. 'If you want the president who will make things better in the African-American community, you’re looking at him,' Romney said, as he was immediately met with loud shouts."
  • Romney says he 'expected' boos at NAACP convention for his attack on 'ObamaCare' (Houston Chronicle): "After getting booed at the NAACP convention in Houston this morning, Mitt Romney turned to a friendlier audience — the TV networks of Fox — to explain the remarks that earned him an extended negative reaction in Texas. 'I think we expected that,' the Republican presidential candidate told Fox Business Network host Neil Cavuto."
  • Perry meets with hospital execs (San Antonio Express-News): "Gov. Rick Perry met with executives from hospitals around Texas Tuesday, but several who attended said the meeting wasn’t about his decision against Medicaid expansion. Instead, it focused on a Medicaid funding program for hospitals that treat a large proportion of uninsured patients."

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