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Dewhurst Calls Cruz "D.C. PAC Man" in New Web Ad

In its first attack video of the runoff, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst's campaign for U.S. Senate has reached back to a 1980s-era arcade classic for inspiration.

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst's campaign for U.S. Senate has reached back to a 1980s-era arcade classic for inspiration for its first attack video of the runoff.

The one-minute web ad released Monday portrays former Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz as "D.C. PAC Man," feeding on donations from Washington, D.C.-based political action committees. Unlike the original video games, in which Pac-Man dies when it runs into a ghost, the Cruz character in the video is stopped when he collides with the state of Texas.

The Club for Growth and other political groups have collectively invested millions in Cruz's campaign. Dewhurst has been working to portray the groups' efforts as proof that Washington, D.C., special interests are intent on deciding the election for Texas voters. Cruz has stressed that his campaign has received more small donations from more Texans than Dewhurst.

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2012 elections David Dewhurst Ted Cruz