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TribWeek: In Case You Missed It

Tan on the battle over family planning in Texas, Ramshaw on a generational fight for a Dallas County congressional seat, Philpott's report on a political mapmaker-turned-candidate in Travis County, Hamilton on a Republican who's defending his right flank, Aaronson checks in on an election rematch in Northeast Texas, Murphy's refresh of our government salary database, Galbraith finds a new meaning for Army greens, Dehn with a new Weekend Insider and Aguilar on where Mexico's guns come from: The best of our best content from April 23 to 27, 2012.

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The first part in our occasional series examining the battle over family planning in Texas considers the impact of lawmakers' orders to reduce spending on birth control and cancer screenings. A UT-Austin research group is beginning to track the fallout.

U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Dallas, is a 20-year incumbent with an endorsement from President Obama. DeSoto lawyer Taj Clayton and state Rep. Barbara Mallory Caraway are angling to unseat her.

Changes in Texas' legislative maps have created opportunities for those hoping to knock off incumbent lawmakers — like in HD-47 in western Travis County. 

This week we pushed the first update of 2012 to our government employee salary database, bringing new data to nearly half of the 140 entities currently found in our records.

State Sen. Jeff Wentworth, R-San Antonio, is battling GOP rivals Elizabeth Ames Jones and Donna Campbell, who are both coming at him from his right flank.

GOP leaders from East Texas see a tight race in the HD-7 primary rematch between state Rep. David Simpson and Tommy Merritt, a former seven-term House member.

Fort Bliss has launched a massive effort to cut its net energy and water usage and reduce waste as part of a focus on self-sufficiency. Fort Hood is also working to go greener, but high upfront costs pose challenges.

In the Insider: Longtime U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Dallas, has two primary opponents running for her seat, and what legacy has David Dewhurst left as lieutenant governor?

An estimated 68,000 of the more than 99,000 guns submitted to U.S. authorities by Mexican law enforcement for tracing had origins here, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

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