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On the Records: Obama Releases First-Quarter Bundler List

Texas "bundlers" have raised at least $5.7 million for President Obama's re-election effort, according to the list released by the campaign. And 13 new bundlers joined during the first quarter of this year, including nine from Houston.

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Volunteer fundraisers for President Barack Obama’s re-election effort in Texas have raised at least $5.7 million, the latest records show, up from $3.4 million in the fourth quarter of last year. The number of Texas volunteer fundraisers — also known as “bundlers” — collecting at least $50,000 for the campaign rose to 34 from 21 at the end of last year.

The Obama campaign’s fundraising fortunes in Houston have seen a dramatic uptick, from zero major Houston bundlers until the fourth quarter of last year to adding nine in just the first quarter of this year. Thirteen of the 34 major fundraisers now come from Houston. Two of the new Houston bundlers are state Rep. Garnet Coleman and state Sen. Rodney Ellis. All but five of Obama’s major fundraisers are from Austin, Dallas or Houston.

Six of the new fundraisers are lawyers. Among them is Cary Patterson, a Texarkana-based lawyer who won his clients a $45.5 million settlement from Chevron in a 2009 natural gas case. Patterson has raised more than $500,000 for the Obama campaign — the most of any new bundler.

Five fundraisers jumped into higher collection brackets, including Naomi Aberly of HBK Capital Management, who has now raised more than $500,000, and Carrin Patman, a Houston-based trial lawyer who entered the $200,000-$500,000 range.

The table below lists all Texas fundraisers in the master list who have raised at least $50,000. As in the past, we compared the list to the 2008 election bundler data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, and we highlighted with italics the names of those who were bundlers during Obama's 2008 campaign. 

Barack Obama's Reported Bundlers - First Quarter 2012
Italics = 2008 election fundraisers
Aberly, Naomi HBK Capital Management Dallas $500,000+
Muñoz, Henry Kell Muñoz Architects, Inc. San Antonio $500,000+
Patterson, Cary Nix, Patterson & Roach Texarkana $500,000+
Rudy, Kirk Endeavor Real Estate Austin $500,000+
Sepulveda, Eugene Entrepreneurs Foundation of Central Texas Austin $500,000+
Boone, Aimee Texas Democratic Trust Dallas $200,000-$500,000
Chase, Tony Greater Houston Partnership Houston $200,000-$500,000
Garcia, Roland Greenberg Taurig Houston $200,000-$500,000
Liemandt, Andra   Austin $200,000-$500,000
Patman, Carrin Bracewell & Giuliani Houston $200,000-$500,000
Reeves, Beverly Reeves & Brightwell Austin $200,000-$500,000
Stanley, Marc National Jewish Democratic Council Dallas $200,000-$500,000
Wesner, Alexa Blue Texas Austin $200,000-$500,000
Cavnar, Gracie Recipe for Success Foundation Houston $100,000-$200,000
Cohen, Phyllis Attorney Houston $100,000-$200,000
Freeman, Jason National Association of Minority Contractors Houston $100,000-$200,000
Gail, David Attorney Dallas $100,000-$200,000
Gorman, John Tejas Securities Group Austin $100,000-$200,000
Husain, Nomi Young & Husain Houston $100,000-$200,000
Jacobson, Rochelle Anti-Defamation League Houston $100,000-$200,000
Kraus, Peter Waters & Kraus Dallas $100,000-$200,000
Li, Michael Attorney Dallas $100,000-$200,000
McGarr, Cappy McGarr Capital Dallas $100,000-$200,000
Susman, Ellen Journalist Houston $100,000-$200,000
Brender, Art Law Offices of Art Brender Fort Worth $50,000-$100,000
Coleman, Garnet State Representative Houston $50,000-$100,000
Ellis, Matt   Austin $50,000-$100,000
Ellis, Rodney State Senator Houston $50,000-$100,000
Few, Arvia   Houston $50,000-$100,000
Meredith, Lynn MFI Foundation Austin $50,000-$100,000
Morrison, Richard Dick Richard Morrison Law Office Kemah $50,000-$100,000
Payne, James Provost Umphrey Law Firm Beaumont $50,000-$100,000
Sorrell, Michael Paul Quinn College Dallas $50,000-$100,000
White, Bill   Houston $50,000-$100,000

Several of the Obama bundlers listed here are donors to The Texas Tribune. Naomi Aberly, Cappy McGarr, Lynn Meredith, Kirk Rudy and Alexa Wesner are major donors. Aimee Boone, Matt Ellis, Carrin Patman, Eugene Sepulveda, Michael Sorrell, Ellen Susman and Bill White are donors. Reeves & Brightwell and Waters & Kraus, LLP are corporate sponsors.

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