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Leppert Derides Opponents as "Empty Suits" in New Ad

In his latest television ad, U.S. Senate candidate Tom Leppert dismisses his Republican opponents as "empty suits" and compares them all to President Obama.

Former Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert released a new television ad this morning, his first one that directly addresses his three leading opponents for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate.

In the ad, Leppert looks at suits off a rack, each with a button representing an opponent.

After dismissing suits representing former state Solicitor General Ted Cruz, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and former ESPN analyst Craig James, Leppert ends the ad by holding a suit fashioned with a pin for President Obama, and says, "I'm Tom Leppert, and I approve this message because we all know what happened the last time we sent an empty suit to Washington."

The ad, Leppert's fourth in this race, will air on cable and broadcast networks in major Texas media markets, according to the campaign. Last week, Leppert told the Tribune he had purchased "several million dollars" in airtime to keep his ads on the air through the last weekend before the May 29 primary.

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