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Video: Thompson "Disgusted" by Flyers

State Rep. Senfronia Thompson, D-Houston, gave an impassioned personal privilege speech on the floor of the Texas House this afternoon in response to graphic flyers passed out in the House chamber about an insurance bill, HB 2093. The women in the chamber stood up with Thompson. "We have not earned this kind of disrespect!" she said. Afterward, state Rep. Debbie Riddle accused some of the men in the chamber of having pornography on the House floor. (Video courtesy

State Rep. Senfronia Thompson, D-Houston, gave an impassioned personal privilege speech on the floor of the Texas House in response to flyers passed out in the House chamber about an insurance bill, HB 2093. The flyer, which was printed by the Texas Civil Justice League, said "Don't Expand the Nanny State," and had a graphic picture of a child suckling a woman's bare breast.  

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State government 82nd Legislative Session Senfronia Thompson Texas Legislature