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State Releases Updated Superintendent Pay

The Texas Education Agency released new superintendent salary data this week, so we've updated our news app and added some new features.

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On Monday, we released an interactive list of Texas school superintendent salaries for the 2009-10 year, which, at the time, was the must updated data available. It has been among the most popular features on the site this week, with 70,000 visits and counting.

But today we discovered that the Texas Education Agency in the last two days updated the data for the current school year. Not much on the list changed for the elite superintdents. Beaumont ISD superintendent Carrol Thomas still leads his counterparts in total salary (up $1,000 to $347,842). But there are differences.

In response to reader requests, we've also added some new features. The list can now be filtered by more counties (we added Hidaldo, Denton and Fort Bend), as well as by school type (traditional public schools vs. charter schools) and academic ratings assigned by TEA: exemplary (best), recognized, acceptable and unacceptable (worst). 

As with all our apps, we've included a link to the raw data at the bottom of the page.

Let us know if you have feedback or ideas for other data-related content, and be sure to follow @TribData on Twitter for updates.

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