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The Midday Brief: Jan. 11, 2011

Your afternoon reading: Live, from the Capitol

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Your afternoon reading:

Keep up with our crack team of reporters on the House and Senate floor for the first day of the 82nd legislative session. Things are winding down, but they're liveblogging here.

Some highlights:

  • Joe Straus has been formally re-elected speaker of the House. Fifteen members voted no, with two voting present. — Emily Ramshaw 
  • Statement by Rep. Jessica Farrar, D-Houston, on Straus: "Today, Democratic unity defeated the Tea Party and their extremist agenda. Had any House Democrats peeled away from Straus, he might have lost. But by sticking together, Democrats kept the House together." — Julian Aguilar
  • Gov. Rick Perry, addressing the House: "Take a deep breath. Relax. It's all going to be all right." — Emily Ramshaw
  • "The ramped-up DPS security measures caused a bit of a log jam at entrances, with visitors stretching out the door, waiting to get through.
    'It hasn't been this busy in a while,' said a trooper manning the X-ray machine. 'Today is the day.'" — Andrew Weber

Visit our home page for a live feed of the House floor. Rough transcripts can also be found there.

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