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TribBlog: The Ingrate

State Rep. Randy Weber, R-Pearland, who today withdrew his pledge of support for House Speaker Joe Straus, R-San Antonio, was the beneficiary of two fundraisers this month at which a featured guest was ... House Speaker Joe Straus.

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The Pearland Republican who today withdrew his pledge of support for House Speaker Joe Straus, R-San Antonio, was the beneficiary of two fundraisers this month at which a featured guest was ... House Speaker Joe Straus.

The Quorum Report first reported that state Rep. Randy Weber had posted on his Facebook page, "Well, I have formally requested that Speaker Joe Straus take me off of his pledged list. My District has spoken & I have listened. Please pray that Texas will be strengthened and in GOD's will, no matter who the Speaker is. We will be Stronger for it. rw"

This afternoon, Straus' office confirmed that the Speaker attended fundraisers for Weber on December 2 in Austin and December 6 in Houston.

Weber, who has not returned calls seeking comment, has yet to announce support for either of Straus' opponents: state Rep. Warren Chisum, R-Pampa, or state Rep. Ken Paxton, R-McKinney.

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82nd Legislative Session Joe Straus Ken Paxton Randy Weber Texas House of Representatives