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Ads Infinitum: Bill White's "Profile in Courage"

A new ad from Bill White takes on the Perry campaign's charge that the former Houston mayor profited after hurricanes hit the city — and plays up the governor's personal wealth after 25 years of public service.

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A new ad from Bill White takes on the Perry campaign's charge that the former Houston mayor profited after hurricanes hit the city — and plays up the governor's personal wealth. "Rick Perry is lying about Bill White," it begins, pointing out that White received the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award for his leadership after Katrina and Rita. The spot then plays up the governor's personal wealth, noting that he's become a millionaire while he's been an elected official for the past 25 years.

"Rick Perry is a career politician who became a millionaire on the public payroll," it says. "Aren't you ready for a new governor?"

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2010 elections Bill White