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Ads Infinitum: Bill Flores' "Austin Paper"

A new ad from the Bill Flores campaign spotlights incumbent Democrat Chet Edwards' "False" PolitiFact rating.

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A new ad from the Bill Flores campaign spotlights incumbent Democrat Chet Edwards' "False" PolitiFact rating in the Austin American-Statesman.

After announcing that the paper says Edwards' attacks on Flores are false, the narrator reminds viewers of Edwards' ties to House Democratic leadership. "Our congressman has changed. It’s time to change our congressman,” it concludes.

Though the ad doesn't explain the rating, it refers to Edwards' claims in a TV ad that a company Flores helped run "laid off over 3,000 workers and then paid off its top executives with millions" — PolitiFact concluded that, while Flores maintained a executive title for six months after the merger that resulted in job losses, his "duties were limited to a single small project before his departure less than six months later."


Here's the script:

Flores: “I’m Bill Flores, and I approve this message.”

Announcer: The Austin newspaper says Congressman Edwards’ attacks on Bill Flores are false. Edwards is not telling the truth about Bill Flores. And Chet’s not telling the truth about himself. 

Since Nancy Pelosi took over, Edwards votes with her 96 percent of the time.

Their taxes and spending drive unemployment higher.

Texas families pay the price.

Our congressman has changed. It’s time to change our congressman.”


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