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Ads Infinitum: DGA's "Cracks"

The Democratic Governors Association is running commercials critical of Gov. Rick Perry.

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The Democratic Governors Association is running commercials critical of Gov. Rick Perry. The group has contributed to his rival, former Houston Mayor Bill White, but the ads are running as a third-party effort and not through White's campaign.

Here's the text:

Twenty-five years as a politician changes you. You think injecting 11- and 12-year-old girls with a controversial drug — without a parent’s consent — is a good idea? You think it’s right to use a government takeover of Texas homes and property — so foreign companies can get rich? You spend taxpayer money on a fancy mansion — while Texas faces an $18 billion dollar deficit? On the issues, 25 years as a politician has changed Rick Perry — for the worse.

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2010 elections Bill White Griffin Perry Rick Perry