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The Midday Brief: July 30, 2010

Your afternoon reading.

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, at the state Republican convention in 2010.

Your afternoon reading:

"'Some things we won't agree on,' he said. 'But I think it's always better to talk and then try to find those things we can agree on rather than just assume there's no common ground whatsoever.'"— Cornyn to speak at gay and lesbian GOP event, Trail Blazers

"In the backroom of a restaurant in downtown Fort Worth Thursday night, tempers rose between a current candidate for governor and a former one over the issue of secession." — In tense exchange, Glass refuses to back secession, Politex

“A pair of Dallas investors who have donated more than $1.2 million to Texas politicians in the past decade - including $352,500 to Gov. Rick Perry - stand accused of fraud by the federal Securities and Exchange Commission.” — GOP donors accused of financial fraud, Texas Politics

"In February, top Texas officials formally challenged EPA’s finding that greenhouse gasses endanger human health and the environment, a determination that paves the way for eventual regulation of carbon dioxide and other pollutants linked to climate change." — EPA Dismisses Perry's Climate Change Challenge, Forrest for the Trees

New in the Texas Tribune:

"In a petition filed with the Texas Supreme Court on Thursday, Judge Sharon Keller challenges the constitutionality of the sanction she received two weeks ago from the State Commission on Judicial Conduct. The commission sanctioned the presiding judge of the Court of Criminal Appeals for failing to keep her office open past 5 pm on the day Michael Wayne Richard, a death row inmate, was scheduled to die." — Judge Keller Appeals Sanction

"Unless Gov. Rick Perry eases up on his refusal to debate his Democratic opponent, Bill White, this may be the closest Texas gets to a gubernatorial showdown." — Tea Party Interviews Make For First Debate

"With 10 years of it complete, it’s time to check in on the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s 15-year initiative to close the gaps between Texas and other states in student achievement in higher education. "— Higher Ed Coordinating Board Releases Progress Report



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John Cornyn