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The Midday Brief: March 11, 2010

Your afternoon reading.

Your afternoon reading:

“I think the left has a real problem seeing their own bias.” — Texas Conservatives Seek Deeper Stamp on TextsNew York Times

"Cornyn's balanced, respectful evaluation contrasts with his hard nosed partisan rhetoric in Washington where he has been tearing the hide off Democratic Senate candidates who are fighting Senate Republicans' efforts to retake political control of the Senate in November." — Cornyn calls White 'serious candidate for governor'Texas on the Potomac

"While not apologizing for the reports, Steve Doocy of Fox said that it was "trying to make it simpler" for viewers to understand the process by reporting that the State Board of Education was reviewing new textbooks." — Fox News responds to criticism from TEATRAILBLAZERS

"The serious money went to the Republican Governors Association. Organized in 2002, the association raises tens of millions every election cycle to support GOP candidates for governor all across the country." — Slush FunTexas Observer

New in The Texas Tribune:

"According to U.S. Fish and Wildlife official Tom Stehn, who has worked with cranes at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge since 1982, the last year there was a comparable "die-off" was 1991, when eleven cranes were lost." — The Big Whoop

"But U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes, D-El Paso, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said in an interview this week with The Tribune, that drones have been used for years in training missions and for law enforcement operations on the Texas-Mexico border." — Border Leaders on Drone Bandwagon

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