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2010: Yancy Isn't Done

Darren Yancy, who came in second in a Senate race against a guy who doesn't want the job, says he'll be a candidate in the special election for the Waco seat held by Kip Averitt.

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Darren Yancy, who came in second in a Senate race against a guy who doesn't want the job, says he'll be a candidate in the special election for the Waco seat held by Kip Averitt. Averitt decided he doesn't want another term in office, but did so too late to get his name off the March primary ballot. He won, getting 60 percent against Yancy. And then Averitt resigned, setting up a special election, probably in May, for the remainder of his term.

Yancy sent out a note this morning saying he's gonna run. “The good citizens of our district — including the 25,000 voters who selected me in the recent Republican Primary — are looking for a state senator who will protect our conservative values,” he said in a statement that somehow didn't mention the 37,682 voters who went with Averitt.

Still to come: Former Sen. David Sibley's likely announcement that he'll run. And there's another foot to drop with Averitt; when he pulls his name from the ballot, as expected, the ten Republican county chairmen in SD-22 will choose a replacement. They're not bound by the special election results.

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2010 elections