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2010: More of DC Rates Perry as Vulnerable

The Cook Political Report isn't the only place that sees some chinks in Rick Perry's armor.

BIll White, Rick Perry at their Primary 2010 reception speeches.

[Updated: 12:50 p.m.]

The Cook Political Report isn't the only place that sees some chinks in Rick Perry's armor.

The University of Virginia's Larry Sabato has Perry under "Leans R" in his Crystal Ball blog — bad news for the incumbent who might have hoped for a "Safe R" or "Likely R."

The Rothenberg Political Report, a non-partisan newsletter in DC, also moved the Texas governor's race from "Clear Advantage" Perry to "Narrow Advantage." That's not as vulnerable as the "Toss Up" category, but it's close. "Former Houston Mayor Bill White (D) will have to run a perfect campaign to overcome Democrats' statewide troubles, but he starts the general election with an opportunity to do so," says the post.

Congressional Quarterly concurs. In their map of gubernatorial races, Texas "leans" Republican, along with several other traditionally Republican states like Alabama and Oklahoma. Of course, all of these places still give Perry the advantage, but you have to wonder if the damage from these new reports doesn't create new vulnerabilities all on their own.

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Politics 2010 elections Bill White Griffin Perry Rick Perry