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2010: Rasmussen: Perry 49%, White 43%

Rick Perry leads Bill White by six percentage points in the first poll released after Tuesday's primary.

Republican Rick Perry and Democrat Bill White

The first poll released after Tuesday's Texas primary shows the general election matchup between Democrat Bill White and Republican incumbent Rick Perry within six points - a survey of 500 likely Texas voters shows Perry at 49 percent to White's 43 percent.

White's gained ground since the Feb. 1 Rasmussen survey, when Perry led White by nine points; 48 percent to White's 39 percent. But White still has a steep hill to climb, as the numbers show the media barrage during primary campaign season has helped Gov. Perry's approval numbers. From Rasmussen:

Given Texas' Republican tendencies and the political backlash nationally against the national health care plan, White faces an uphill battle to deny Perry an unprecedented third term as governor. Most voters in Texas (54%) approve of the job he is currently doing as governor, while 44% disapprove. This marks little change from recent surveys.

The full Rasmussen results, along with an interesting answer on the recent plane into the Austin IRS building, are now available online.

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2010 elections Bill White Griffin Perry Rick Perry