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2010: Carney: Bill White the "Longest of Long Shots"

Will Gov. Rick Perry's campaign try to define Bill White as a "big city trial lawyer, anti gun, sanctuary city promoting, Clinton protégé DC politician"?

Republican Rick Perry and Democrat Bill White

We've obtained an email sent by Gov. Rick Perry's political consultant, Dave Carney, in which he discusses the governor's race, predicting that his client won't need a runoff to defeat his main GOP rival, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison.

Perhaps most interesting is Carney's take on the Democratic nominee in the governor's race, former Houston Mayor Bill White:

Regardless of the outcome on Tuesday, the GOP nominee is well positioned for November.  The voter frustration with the democrat party nationally has not escaped the attention of Texans.  Mayor White is another in a long line of dream team mirages that the net roots of the left have fabricated.  In this political environment no competitive state will elect a big city trial lawyer, anti gun, sanctuary city promoting, Clinton protégé DC politician, let alone a conservative state like Texas.   While Mayor White has yet to been defined, it is inarguable the Texas voters have been exposed to well over $100 million in negative attack ads against Rick Perry.  The voters of Texas know Rick Perry, warts and all, and he still leads Mayor White by double digits in most public polls .  Voter registration, voter intensity and the issues matrix in 2010 make any democrat the longest of long shots to be competitive. 

We've asked both campaigns to comment. (Keep in mind that Perry's spokesman, Mark Miner, has said in the past that Carney doesn't speak for the governor).

UPDATE: White has since responded.

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2010 elections Bill White Griffin Perry Rick Perry