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2010: Newspaper Endorsements: DMN for KBH

"Our state is in need of a statesman."

U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, appearing at the LBJ Presidential Library and Museum in Austin.

Kay Bailey Hutchison's hometown newspaper thinks she ought to be the Republican nominee for governor, endorsing her over Rick Perry and Debra Medina. Some excerpts:

Our state is in need of a statesman. After nearly a decade in power, Gov. Rick Perry has emerged as a leader who depends more on bully tactics than his bully pulpit. Now, as Texas faces daunting deficits and a number of urgent challenges, Perry's strong-arm style will no longer suffice...
...While Perry has excoriated Hutchison for daring to step foot in D.C., she has been an advocate for Texas, working on local problems ranging from the poor living conditions in colonias to the complexities of phasing out the Wright amendment's flight restrictions. Most important, Hutchison has demonstrated the ability to lead by building consensus. ...
...Medina has built a loyal following, but her plans to eliminate property taxes and opt out of Medicaid are unwise and unworkable. Her comments last week lending credence to 9/11 conspiracy theories – followed by furious backpedaling – are deeply disturbing.
As this intra-party clash has played out, Hutchison has found herself playing defense as Perry's gone on the attack. As a result, she's spent too much time distancing herself from Washington instead of aggressively promoting her plans for Texas.
Despite this tactical misstep, Hutchison's record is proof that she is the Republican candidate who is best suited to lead this state. With a firm grasp of the challenges ahead and a considered approach to governing, Hutchison could be the stateswoman that Texas needs.

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