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On the Records: Donations App Updated

We've added a few new features to our campaign donations app, including the ability to filter the search results by the donation amount, year and donor type.

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This morning we launch an update to our searchable app for campaign donations reported by current state elected officials. Inside, you can now search the latest filings, which cover July 1 to December 31, as well as view and download 10 years of data. 

To help, though, we've added a few new features, including the ability to filter the search results by the donation amount, year and donor type. 

Now, for example, you have the power to, say, find all donations of between $25,000 and $100,000 to Gov. Rick Perry from entities, like PACs, other political groups or law firms.

First, load the app and type "Perry" or "Rick Perry" in the name field. Or select "Texas Governor" in the office drop-down menu.

Next, pick the entity type (you can also select only individual donations, or both). Filter those results by typing "PAC" or "law" or "Republican" (or whatever variable) in the donor name field: 

Then filter by donation range and/or year:

Click the search button, and here are the results. (You can read more about each transaction by clicking the donation total):

We're also planning an update of the state expenditure app early this week. And don't forget we have separate apps for governor's race donations and expenditures. You can also search federal donations made by individuals and PACs to members of Congress.

All this, of course, is just the beginning. We're hoping to improve these apps with better design, performance and visualization. We want to add all candidates, not just those in office. We're also planning to connect campaign-finance records with other data, especially the Directory and Election 2010 apps.

Stay tuned. 

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