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2010: Rick vs. Kay Fundraising

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison has slightly more campaign cash in the bank than her GOP rival, Gov. Rick Perry.

U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Gov. Rick Perry.

The latest fundraising totals in the governor's race are starting to trickle out, even though reports aren't due until Friday.

The Dallas Morning News reported this morning that Gov. Rick Perry raised $7 million during the second half of 2009, about $1 million more than announced by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison.

That leaves Hutchison, who came into the race with a $6 million transfer from her federal campaign account, with a slight cash-on-hand lead over Perry. She's expected to report having $12.3 million in the bank, while Perry's campaign has $11.6 million.

We'll post details about the Democrats in the race, Bill White and Farouk Shami, as their respective campaigns release them.

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