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Ads Infinitum: KBH's "Roads" TV Spot

Team Kay is on the television airwaves this week with an ad hitting Governor Rick Perry on transportation policy.

Screengrab from "Roads"

Team Kay is on the television airwaves this week with an ad hitting Governor Rick Perry on transportation policy. The latest ad, called "Road Signs", features a giant automated highway marquee sending messages about how Perry would want to turn free roads into toll roads. Watch and see for yourself:

In terms of sheer media production, points to the media folk at Scott Howell and Company from taking a break from the usual voiceover + canned candidate B-roll formula. No gravelly-voiced Texas narrator we tend to hear in these political ads and, if you're sick of seeing Perry and Hutchison's mugs, you'll like it because it's totally free of either candidate's faces.

As for the political weight of the ad, the effectiveness depends on how much the "land grab/Trans-Texas Corridor" issue resonates with voters. The Hutchison campaign maintains that this is an issue it can win on.

The Perry campaign says the ad is devoid of any ideas to fix transportation and that it's factually incorrect. 

The spot warns that Perry could turn free roads into a toll roads. To be clearer, no existing LANES of road in Texas have been converted into tolled lanes. But expansions of existing roadways (new lanes) have become tolled after public votes. On the "continuing the Trans-Texas Corridor forever" message, Perry's camp reminds us the TTC -- notably the TTC-35 phase -- is so over.

"The Texas Transportation Commission has also recommended to the Federal Highway Administration that it disapprove construction of the TTC-35," said Perry spokesman Mark Miner, in a statement.

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Transportation 2010 elections Griffin Perry Rick Perry Texas Department Of Transportation