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HuTube: Cheney 2012?

"We westerners know the difference between a real talker and the real deal," Cheney told supporters at Hobby Airport in Houston. "When it comes to being conservative, Kay Bailey Hutchison is the real deal."

Dick Cheney and Kay Bailey Hutchison in Houston on November 17, 2009

I've added the raw audio of former Vice President Dick Cheney's speech in Houston on Tuesday night, in which he formally endorsed Kay Bailey Hutchison for governor.

"We westerners know the difference between a real talker and the real deal," Cheney told supporters at Hobby Airport in Houston. "When it comes to being conservative, Kay Bailey Hutchison is the real deal."

Here's my favorite exchange, which comes at the end:

KBH: Cheney 2012?

PERSON IN CROWD: We need you, Dick!

CHENEY: Not a chance.

You can listen to Cheney's full remarks in the player to your right.

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