Quotes of the Week

He volunteered that he had traveled to Africa. That information was not fully disseminated.

Mark Lester, the southeast clinical leader for the parent company of Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, on why the man who was later diagnosed with the country's first case of Ebola was initially sent home with antibiotics

I think sweating bullets is probably the right term. I would be concerned.

Ed Barker, a former hospital system general counsel, to Texas Lawyer on the potential legal issues raised by that two-day delay in putting the Ebola patient in isolation

Politics is much more difficult than war. In politics, there are so many more fronts.

Masoud Barzani, now president of Iraq's semiautonomous region, to The New Yorker's Dexter Filkins in 2005 after wrapping up work on the country's new constitution

At this point it's 90/10 he's in. And honestly, 90 is lowballing it.

An unnamed Ted Cruz advisor, telling National Journal the odds of a Cruz candidacy for president in 2016. The assessment was quickly discounted by Cruz via a Facebook post.

They’re entitled to opine upon it. In fact, it’s their job to opine upon it. But it’s an opinion.

Libertarian nominee for governor Kathie Glass with her take during Thursday's TribLive conversation on the scope of the judiciary's power to interpret the constitutionality of laws