Quotes of the Week

Voters tend to look at governors the way they hire plumbers or electricians. Do they have a good reputation? Will they take care of the problems? Will they leave you alone otherwise?

John Weingart, director of the Center on the American Governor at Rutgers University, on what people look for in a good state governmental chief executive

Even for Texas, the growth rate is almost unsustainable. This incredible growth has brought lots of people to the state, and the demand for services is growing so fast. At some point, the state is going to have to deal with the income inequality issue.

Dallas Federal Reserve senior economist Pia Orrenius, in remarks to The Associated Press

It just so happens that was a goal we had, but we're not satisfied until we get 100 percent.

DPS Director Steve McCraw on continuing the border surge even after weekly apprehensions hit a goal set in July

It’s not that she’s losing a duel anywhere, it’s that she seems to keep shooting herself in the foot before she even gets the gun out of the holster.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz major donor John Morgan on the loss of support for the DNC chair