Quotes of the Week

When we responded, we didn’t think people might complain. We’re a Christian organization and we operate on Christian principles.

Don Gibson of Texas Baptist Men on their motivation to help feed and clothe unaccompanied migrant children. Their acts of compassion, however, have drawn complaints.

I think if Bill McRaven can handle the Pentagon politics, he can handle UT politics.

Former defense secretary and former Texas A&M President Bob Gates on the challenges facing incoming University of Texas System Chancellor William H. McRaven

He does bully people. But I bully people, too. In the context of county government, you sometimes have to do that.

District Clerk Gary Fitzsimmons on Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price's bedside manner at meetings.

Saying someone is free to marry in this context is of course a little perverse. It’s like holding someone’s head under water and saying, ‘You’re free to breathe, you’re just not free to breathe air.’

Neel Lane, an attorney challenging Texas' same-sex marriage ban, questioning in February the state's position that the law does not violate everyone's "fundamental right to marry."

Embrace the irony.

Slogan of the recently created Mayday PAC, a Super PAC formed with the goal of diminishing the impact of big political donors.